Friday, April 22, 2011

Strength in Weakness

Mathew 5:5
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

As I read more about the word of God, I come to realize how they can truly help me walk a life of faith and greatly increase my trust in God. That God wanted us to see past the material world and look out for the things that are unseen.

Looking at the simple verse above, it is one of the Beatitudes. My question… Why does God wants us to be weak?

A long time ago I came across this piece of scripture and could not understand why the Lord would want us to be meek. I used to define meek as shy, timid or submissive. For me these are qualities of being weak.

I cannot understand why the Lord would want us to be weak, when we are gifted to be the best we can be.  

Now, as I come to realize that these words are not meant to mean what they are in the material world. That one must reflect on them and ask God’s wisdom to gain one of the many spiritual meanings of it.

I have come to realize that to be meek means to have control. That is to have the ability to use power intelligently. Be able to be so strong yet gentle. Be so smart yet has an open mind. Be so loving but is willing to yield…

God ever so powerful loved us first. Sent his only Son Jesus to be with us and die for us.

I must have control over my resources. I must learn to control my strengths and my weaknesses. I am created by God. I am in His image. He loves me. He gave me power. He knows I can do great things.

I must learn to have control over my actions. I must glorify Him for everything that I do.

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